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By becoming a sponsor of the IRCHA, you are investing in the most traditional of all Western performance events. The NRCHA and its affiliates continues to draw members into one of the fastest growing, most adrenaline-filled horse sports today. In 2022, the IRCHA Futurity paid out $110,000 in added money across the Futurity, Derby, and Horse Show Classes drawing competitors from over 25 states and Canada.

2023-2024 Sponsorship Levels

The IRCHA is dedicated to producing premier-level events. As a top affiliate of the NRCHA, we constantly work to grow the sport of traditional Reined Cow Horse in the Northwest and create opportunity for all levels of owners and riders. The IRCHA is proud to provide the Northwest with its largest NRCHA sanctioned events offering in excess of $110,000 of added money to our Fall event and attracting owners and riders from over 25 states and Canada. 

By becoming a sponsor you will receive the following amenities. Specific terms will vary based on sponsorship level:

Reserve Champion Sponsors Receive:

  • Pre-promotion will include your business name displayed on the Idaho Reined Cow Horse website and thank you Facebook post leading up to the shows. 

  • Live mentions throughout the week and during the event.

Champion Sponsors receive all of the above AND:​

  • Pre-promotion will include your business logo displayed on the Idaho Reined Cow Horse website and thank you Facebook post leading up to the shows. 

  • Live mentions throughout the week and during the event.

  • A sign will hang inside the arena for Fall 2023 & May 2024 shows.

  • Your Logo will rotate on Live Feed as can be accommodated.


Saddle, Premium & Major Class Sponsors receive all of the above AND:​

  • Every win photo of the sponsored class will have your logo overlaid in a prominent location with special social media posts highlighting the winners. These social media posts will tag the sponsor's Facebook page.

  • Premium website placement of your business logo on the IRCHA website, and standalone Facebook promotions/thank you's leading up to the event.

  • Ad commercial or video interview with your company representative (sponsor provided or videoed in advance) to rotate during breaks of the show’s live-stream.

  • Reserved viewing table for Friday and Saturday Finals

  • 10x12 vendor booth included if sponsor desires to showcase their product.

  • Flier/coupon/promotional distribution at exhibitor check-in (sponsor provided materials)

Title & Open Futurity Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Magicality

Open Derby Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Home Ranch

Youth Bridle - SOLD!! Thank you Rock Rose Ranch

Open Bridle Saddle Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Idaho Equine Hospital

Non Pro Boxing Shootout Saddle Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Redtail Ranch 

Novice Horse Open Futurity & Derby Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Triple Crown Feed

Open Two Rein Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Commercial Tire

Non Pro Bridle Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Canyon Truck Upfitters

Open Hackamore Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Kalpowar Quarter Horses

Non Pro Futurity Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you D&B Supply

Non Pro Derby Sponsor - SOLD!! Thank you Rule Steel
Youth Sponsor - $2,500
Major Class Sponsor - $1,500

Thanks for becoming a sponsor of the IRCHA!


Let's Work Together

Please contact Lindsey Dell for any questions regarding sponsorships or marketing. The above list is not exhaustive and we have several other opportunities including product sponsorships.


Have a creative idea for marketing your brand? We'll work with you!

© 2023 by Idaho Reined Cow Horse Association. Site design by Lindsey Dell.

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